This week Luke reminds us of a visit that Jesus made to the home of his friends Mary, Martha the sisters of Lazarus. Martha has generously invited Jesus and the gang around for tea and is hard at work feeding her visitors and proving to Jesus what a good hostess she can be.
If we’re honest we can all find a little bit of sympathy for Martha. It’s never fun to be the one left to do all the hard yakka while others sit around and enjoy themselves. Finally when she can stand it no more, Martha storms into the room and demands that Jesus point out this injustice to her sister. About time too, we might think, fairs fair after all! Imagine, then if you will, Martha’s surprise and even shock when Jesus does exactly the opposite and commends Mary for making the better choice. Like Martha, we too can completely miss the point, as we busily try to prove ourselves before God with all our right actions, good intentions and sound theology. Once again Jesus gently reminds us that his grace and love are freely given and can never be earned. Once again Jesus reminds us that far more blessing is to be found in sitting at his feet and listening than can ever be gained through our own efforts to impress. So then are you a Mary or a Martha? Will you spend your time worrying and busying yourself with things and details that in God’s greater scheme really don’t matter? Or will you choose the “better part” and make sure that you are never too busy to sit at Jesus’ feet and let your life be guided by the master. Till next time. Andrew Download this week's readings: Amos 8:1-12, Psalm 52, Colossians 1:15-29, Luke 10:38-42 Download this week's pew sheet pdf Download this weeks sermon Comments are closed.
Rev. Andrew SmithVicar of Light in the Hills |