All of us have at one point met someone who thought that they were the “be all and end all of everything”. The truth however is that they seldom are. The lectionary readings for this week celebrate the feast of Christ the King. It marks the end of the church year and heralds the season of Advent which begins next week. The fact that Jesus is the King of Kings is good news. because it means that in a world where all sorts of people claim to be the “be all and end all of everything”, we can say that we know the one who truly is. In our reading from the book of Revelation we are reminded that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Jesus is the “be all and end all of everything”. He is our King and our friend and when we put our trust in him he will never let us down. Till next time.... Andrew ReadingsOld Testament 2 Samuel 23.1-7
Psalm 132.1-18 Epistle Revelation 1.4b-8 Gospel John 18.33-37 Download this weeks pew sheet Comments are closed.
Rev. Andrew SmithVicar of Light in the Hills |