“What the heart loves, the will chooses, On first reading, Jesus response to those who are challenged to follow him in our gospel reading this morning, seems a little harsh. But Jesus is unapologetic. It’s no good putting off the decision to follow him until a rainy day. Jesus wants his followers to be willing to give their all to him. It’s no good being half hearted about it, for Jesus it’s all or nothing.
..In John 15:13 Jesus tells us that, “there is no greater love than to lay down ones life for a friend.” Jesus is on the way up to Jerusalem to do exactly that for all humanity and he wants us to be willing to love others in the same way. Because Jesus knows us so well, he knows that left to ourselves there will always be one more excuse. Because he loves us and wants the best for us, he wants us to know the fullness of life and the blessing that can only come from accepting his love for us. So the question remains, just how much do we love Jesus? Does he occupy first place on the throne of our heart or are their other things that we love more? Something to pray about I think. Till next time. Andrew This week's readings; 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Psalm 77 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62 DOWNLOAD THIS WEEK'S PEW SHEET PDF Comments are closed.
Rev. Andrew SmithVicar of Light in the Hills |