Today’s Gospel (Mark 4:26–34) is one to sit up and take note of, because Jesus gives us a clue about the workings of God’s kingdom.
All too often we try to put God into this box or that box, then get frustrated when God doesn’t work in the way that we have prescribed for him to do. But yet again Jesus reminds us that the workings of the kingdom are always much better than the way we might prescribe them. Jesus shows us that in God’s kingdom, even the smallest of seeds can grow into something great. In God’s kingdom, a small baby born in a humble stable grows up to become a saviour, and people find comfort and security in him. In God’s kingdom, a tiny gathering of fearful people in a small, upper room in Jerusalem can become a gathering of more than 2 billion people who find their hope in him. And in God’s kingdom, with faith only the size of a mustard seed we can mature and grow in God’s love. And with faith only the size of a mustard seed, we can sow the seed of God’s love into the hearts of others and share with them the gift of eternal life. Till next time, Andrew Comments are closed.
Rev. Andrew SmithVicar of Light in the Hills |